Monday, September 3, 2012

another picnic

Today I went on a picnic with Jessie ( older sister). The picnic was at Stewart Park. I rode a caresel 2 times. Now were at Tim's brother's house to get my mom's car fixed. It's been a couple hours now and we are finally leaving Tim's brother's house. Now were home and I'm watching a show called Nanny 911 and eating pop corn.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

the labor day picnic

Today i went to a Labor Day picnic at my oma's house. There were a lot of people at the picnic. I had a lot of fun. A clown ( Crossrodes) and a face painter (Kammy) came to the picnic. The clown made me a butterfly and bumble bee balloon animal. Kammy painted a cheetah on my face. Then I went home and had a slumber party with my cousins peeky and A.J.